Sunday, October 5, 2008

E-Marketplace - eBay Creates Brand Evangelists?

eBay has become ubiquitous in the market for lightly used goods. Upon browsing for some used furniture (before you think it: relax, I was doing it for a blog topic, if I actually want to buy I'll go to Craigslist blah blah) I typed in IKEA and examined the results. What did I find? Well, about 3000 IKEA products, as expected. What else did I find? About 3000 auctioneers singing the praises of IKEA in the hope of generating a sale. Long ago, this type of brand advocacy was only dreamt about. Now, we see it on a regular basis, through blogs, auction sites, and user-generated viral content.

Does re-sale value lay the foundation for brand advocacy? It seems to be the case for cars and other long-term personal purchases.

BTW: Has anyone else notice that if IKEA gets disassembled and/or moved it turns into melted cheese? Yet still they can count on re-sellers..........

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